The "UpdateAssetModel" API endpoint interface. This is employed when creating or updating an asset model.
Please include the various properties for the asset model in the JSON stringify object.
Possible values: [CBEX
Please provide the modelFamily in which given asset model belongs to.
Possible values: [Rental Equipment
Please provide the name of the customer industry.
Possible values: [CBEX-E 200-500-150ST
Name of the asset model you want to create/update.
Possible values: [cleaver-brooks asset model
Write a some suitable description for the asset model
Possible values: [AM-39180099-4c65-48d3-8dd8-1c2c5d66540e
Please provide the id of the asset model if you want to update the existing asset model.
Possible values: [2022
Please provide the model year of the asset
Possible values: [boiler
Please provide the type of asset model you are going to create.
Possible values: [Industrility
Please provide a make of the asset model
Possible values: [CBEX
Add suitable tags for the asset model.