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The request body that we need to passed at the time of creating system.



    owner stringrequired

    Possible values: [Industrility]

    Please add the name of the system.




    You only need to pass the mappedAssetsOld array when you have chosen the createSystemStep to ASSET_MAPPING.

  • Array [

  • id string

    Possible values: [``]

    You can keep this field to empty array as you are creating system, system would not have any existing assets.

  • ]

  • systemId stringrequired

    Possible values: [SYS-123456, 19-995-001]

    Please enter the sytemid, it is unique identification number of the system.

    address stringrequired

    Possible values: [5396 North Reese Avenue, Fresno CA 93722, 2035 Ninth Street, Berkeley CA 94710]

    Please enter the address of the system where it is located.

    description stringrequired

    Possible values: [Boiler system which contains medium type boilers]

    Please enter the description for the system.

    integrator stringrequired

    Possible values: [Industrility]

    Please enter the name of the integrator of the system or distributor.

    securityGroup string[]required

    Possible values: [SY-dd-d088-46f3-a636-be24c3b02832]

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [factory, location, area, zone, room, site, system, plant]

    Please enter the type of the system it can one of enums value.

    tags string[]required

    Possible values: [boiler, industrility]

    parentSystem string[]

    Possible values: [SY-dd-d088-46f3-a636-be24c3b02832, ``]




    You only need to pass the mappedAsset Id's array when you have chosen the createSystemStep to ASSET_MAPPING.

  • Array [

  • id string

    Possible values: [AS-dd-d088-46f3-a636-be24c3b02832, AS-ff-d088-46f3-a636-be24c3b02832]

    Kindly provide the asset ids you wish to have in this system.

  • ]

  • createSystemStep stringrequired

    Possible values: [META, ASSET_MAPPING]

    Please enter the step name for system creation it is really important field as based on this field we are decide the system create step.

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: [Boiler System]

    Please add the name of the system.

    location stringrequired

    Possible values: [``]

    enter the JSON stringified lat/long location object.

    id stringrequired

    Possible values: [SY-dd-d088-46f3-a636-be24c3b02832]

    You need to enter the id of the system if you have chosen the createSystemStep to ASSET_MAPPING, that we usually do after the system creating the system with createSystemStep set to META.

    status stringrequired

    Possible values: [active, inactive, designed, commissioned]

    Please enter the status of the system. it can be one of active,inactive,designed,commissioned.