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Outcomes App

Business Outcomes and Reports

The Analytics area is where reports can be generated and scheduled for delivery.


  • Reports are categorized by the type of information that they are reporting on. Clicking on the name of the report will take you to the page where you are able to generate the report.
  • When you have clicked the Generate button, the report will appear below the parameters panel.
  • Some reports can be exported in either a Excel/CSV or PDF format. If they can be exported, the Export button will appear beside the Generate button.

Authoring and Publishing a Report

Analytics Schedules

Scheduling a report for delivery will send the report via email based on a recurrence that you set.

Creating a Scheduled Report

To create a report to be schedule for delivery

  • First select the report that you want to be scheduled on the Analytics Dashboard page.
  • Then select the date range, and assets. Note: you cannot create a scheduled report using a custom date range.
  • Click the Schedule button. In the modal window, enter in your schedule name, the email addresses that will receive the report, the frequency of the delivery, the start date that you want to the report to start being delivered, and what time of day you would like the report to be delivered.
  • Clicking the Create button will create the schedule, and the report will begin to be delivered to the entered email addresses on the start date and time that you set.

Managing Scheduled Reports

The Scheduled Reports page shows you all of the reports that have been scheduled for delivery. This page will also display the frequency of the delivery, when the report will be delivered next, the last time the report was delivered, and the recipients of the report. Clicking on a row in the table will take you to the details of the scheduled report.

When viewing the details of a scheduled report, you can generate the report time with the selected assets and date range that you use for the scheduled delivery. Clicking the Edit button will allow you to edit the name of the scheduled delivery, the date range, the assets, the email address recipients, the frequency, and the delivery time.