Maps App
The Map shows the location of all assets that have communicated a GPS location. Searching and filtering options are available to find the exact assets you are looking for.
Map Controls
The top right corner of the map has several map controls.
- Hovering over the top control is the layer selection. This will let you change the view of the map from satellite to Street View. You may also hide/display street names, boundaries, and GeoZones.
- Clicking the + or - allows you to zoom in and out of the map.
- The home button will return you to the max zoom distance of the map.
- The map pin icon will zoom the map in to your location. You will need to allow Industrility access to your location via your browser's settings for this to work.
- The magnifying glass allows you to do a text search by address, city or postal code.
Search Panel & Results
Searching for a particular set of assets can be done in a few different ways.
- The Search field allows you to search for an asset by text. This will search by the asset name and other asset metadata and attributes.
- Clicking the filter button allows you to apply filters, so that only assets that meet the filter criteria will appear on the map and the asset results list.
- Alert Priority will filter assets based on their current alert status and priority; Low, Medium or High Priority Alert.
- Maintenance will filter based on the current maintenance status of an asset; Upcoming or Due.
- The Security Group dropdown allows you to filter to assets that have been assigned to the selected security group(s).
- The attribute filter allows you to filter the asset results based on the attribute values that are assigned to an asset.
- The left side panel lists all results that have been found based on any search and filter criteria. The panel can be collapsed and expanded.
- Only assets that have provided a GPS location will appear on the results list and on the map.
- If the asset has an active alert, it will be indicated by an icon in the search results list.
- If the asset has a maintenance plan due or overdue, it will be indicated by an icon in the search results list.
Saving Filters
When you have applied a set of filters, you can save those filters so that you can easily have them applied for future searches.
- First select the filters that you want to have applied to the assets you are searching for then click Save. This will open a modal window where you can create a new saved filter set, or save it over one of your existing filter sets.
- To apply a set of saved filters, open the filter menu and then click My Filters. This will show you the list of your saved filter sets, clicking on one of them will then apply the filters that were in the saved filter set.
- When you are viewing My Filters in the modal window you can have the ability to edit the name and description of one of your existing filter sets, or delete a filter set.
- Saving a filter set does not save the resulting assets, just the filters that were applied. When you load and apply a saved filter set, the resulting assets may change if new assets meet the filter criteria.
- These saved filters are used on the Asset List page, and on pages where the Asset Picker modal window is used.
Map Pins
If there are multiple assets that are close together, the asset pin will be a circle with the number of clustered assets in the middle.
- Hovering over a cluster will outline the area on the map where the asset are covered.
- As you zoom in the clusters will break apart into smaller clusters until the individual pins can be shown.
- Clicking on a clustered group of assets will zoom you in to see all of the asset in the cluster.
- The pin color can be green, yellow or red depending on its status. A low priority alert will not affect the color of the pin. A medium priority alert will change the pin color to yellow. A high priority alert will change the pin color to red.
- If there are assets that have a medium or high priority alert in the cluster, this will be presented in the border of the cluster. For example, if there are two assets in the cluster and one of the assets has a high priority alert, then half of the cluster border will be red and half will be green.
Asset Information
When you have clicked to view the details of an asset by either clicking on its map pin or on the asset list on the left panel you will be shown more information on that asset.
- The selected asset will have a pop-up over the asset that will display the name of the asset, the make and model, the date and time it last communicated, and the top three data points.
- The left panel will show more details on the selected asset.
- At the top of the panel, the asset's name, make and model, last communication, and last reported location will be shown. Clicking the coordinates will resolve it to a street address if available.
- Clicking the refresh button that appears by the asset name will check to see if the asset has reported data. This is useful if you have been viewing this asset for some time or you have recently used the Poll button to request new data.
- The last reported data is shown for top 5 data points and when that data was reported. You can click on the last reported time to see the exact date and time. If there are more than 5 data points that are reported by the asset, you can click on 'Show More' which will expand the list to show the remaining data.
- Active Alerts shown can be seen on the map page by clicking the Acknowledge, Snooze and Clear buttons. Clicking the Note button will open a modal window so that a note can be added to that instance of the alert.
- If the asset has any images of it uploaded you can view them here. You can click on an image to view the full size image.
- All maintenance plans the asset belongs to will be listed, as well as the status of the asset as it relates to that maintenance plan. You can click the maintenance plan name to be taken to the details of the maintenance plan. Clicking the Complete button will open a modal window where you can complete the maintenance for the chosen plan.
- The details of the asset lists all of the attributes associated to the asset. Clicking the Show More button will show all of the attributes associated to the asset.
- The device information shows the telematics device information that is attached to the asset.